The way rainy season usually works down here is October is one of the heaviest months of rain and then November goes back to being beautiful and sunny all day with the occasional evening rain. This year was a little different though. October stayed relatively dry and right when November came around we were bombarded by five straight days of all day and all night rain. We haven't seen a rain like that in two years! The first days of the rain were manageable because you could walk down and surf near the south end of Jaco in relatively clear and clean water. But after that it got pretty brown and dirty looking everywhere. The rivers were washing out houses, concrete foundations, billboards, massive bamboo thickets, trees, you name it. So for three days it was un-surfable. We kept busy doing lots of yoga, watching lot's of slow motioned surf videos, watching movies on youtube, painting, and taking walks in the rain. All the bars did really well during this period and the happy hours were filled with people. It was a great chance to get to meet new friends because everyone had at least something in common with the weather. After the massive rains the rains didn't really stop. It just stopped raining all day and all night. So the water cleared up a bit and there were little pockets of non rain. Not sunny, but after so much rain, even cloudy skys are reason for rejoicing. On one of those days a group of Argentinian models wanted to learn to surf so that was nice. Although conditions weren't perfect by any means, rainy gray weather here is still pleasant enough and warm enough to be out in and they had a great time. For us, all that rain, meant the rivers pumped out sand and created really good sandbars. We've been surfing great head high waves for the past few days. No complaints here and when we finally woke up to a sunny morning it made you appreciate it even that much more.